
How to organize my business

Hello to all,

I wonder how to organize my business with Pythonanywhere. I want to run a Django webapp (it is the same code) for several customer. Each customer must have his own DB.

Currently I have one account at Pythonanywhere. I would keep this alone and not create an account for each customer.

Is it possible to organize this having: 1 one Pythonanywhere account; 2 one webapp for each customer; 3 one PostgreSql server with one db for each customer of for each customer's webapp; 4 having customer's domain name pointing to his webapp (ie

What could be dangerous or cripling for webapp's performances and security ?

Thanks a lot for your answers.


Hi there, your suggested organisation sounds fine to me, I can't think why it would be dangerous (as long as you choose different usernames and passwords for each customer obviously!) or have performance problems...

The only other thing you might consider is just using a single database, and a single web app, and linking each record to some sort of customer id, and then implementing the security at the web app layer. It might be easier to get that wrong though!

Hi Harry,

Thanks for your suggestions. With one DB per customer I can estimate storage use for each customer and therefore billing real use of DB disk space. Thanks for your great work.
