
How to add multiple files or directories ?


I have a cross compiling software from I have various directories and files. I am planning to upload these files and install it through bash shell on Pythonanywhere server.

But its a tedious process to upload files, since there is no option to select multiple files and directories at once.

Kindly help me...

Thanks, San

You can either use the -r option of scp, which will do a recursive copy; or if you're not familiar with scp then you could instead create an archive and upload that - you can extract it from the bash command-line. If you're using Windows it's probably easiest to create a standard zip file (there are a multitude of tools to allow you to do that), then upload it and use the unzip utility on the bash command-line to extract it.

Yes I would zip your directory, upload it, and then unzip it on the server side using unzip as Cartroo suggests.

Thanks guys ! I never thought of it :p

Thanks mate!!! helped me too. :)

Some more information here as well.

Helped me too.

totally stupid that pythonanywhere doesn't allow this. now i know why i rarely use it. just stupid.

have you seen this?

sir how can i add zip or rar file.

How you create one on your own machine depends on what operating system you use; once you have one, you can upload it on the "Files" page, and then use the unzip command from bash to extract from zip files, or the unrar one to extract from rar files.

If you're using them to download, you can use the corresponding zip and rar commands on bash to create compressed files, then you can download them from the "Files" tab and use whatever tools you have on your local machine to extract the contents. Please unblock API

@sdevang01 Your account is a paid one so you are not restricted by the whitelist.