
script stops by itself

Hi all, I keep hosted here the python script of my telegram bot. I can't figure out why, at some point the script simply falls asleep and the bot stops responding. Each time I have to restart it, about once a day. I have a logging and debugging system and I don't log errors of any kind. I don't understand if it depends on my plan since I am using the free one.

Any advice?

You're probably running your bot in a console. Consoles arent intended to run processes forever and will eventually stop. For scripts / bots that you'd like to run 24/7 try always on tasks (paid feature)

Hola, yo tengo el mismo problema, aún con la cuenta de paga, tengo activadas las tareas para algunos scripts que descargan datos meteorológicos, éstos funcionan bien por uno o dos días luego se detienen mostrando esto en consola >>>. Uso la api API gratuita de Open Weather, y si me encuentro dentro del límite de llamadas diarias.

If you want your scripts to keep running, you should run them using an always-on task rather than in a console.

Muchas gracias, ahora funciona.

Great, glad we could help!