
Plotly dash, graph works on local host but doesn't show anything in pythonanywhere

Here is the code of 2 charts. The boxplot works well but gene_mutation_fig doesn't show anything. While both of the charts work on the local host, the gene_mutation_fig doesn't work in pythonanywhere. I would be grateful for any suggestions.

import dash
from dash import html, dcc, callback, Input, Output, State
import pandas as pd
import as px
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import numpy as np

boxplot_fig =,
                     title='Boxplot of Clinical Attributes Distribution(Standardized)',
                     orientation='h',  # Set orientation to horizontal (vertical boxplot)

start_column_index = 520

# Select the subset of columns from 'start_column_index' to the end
selected_columns = data.iloc[:, start_column_index:]

# Count non-zero occurrences for each gene in the mutation data
gene_mutation_count = pd.Series([np.sum(selected_columns[col].astype(str).str.strip() != '0') for col in selected_columns], index=selected_columns.columns)

gene = gene_mutation_count.index.str.replace('_mut', '')
val = gene_mutation_count.values
gene_mutation_count_df = pd.DataFrame({'Gene Name': gene, 'Mutation Count': val})
gene_mutation_fig =, x='Gene Name', y='Mutation Count',
             title='Gene Mutation Distribution',
             labels={'Gene Name': 'Gene Name', 'Mutation Count': 'Mutation Count'}

layout = html.Div(children=[

    html.Div(className='row', children=[
        html.Div(className='six columns', children=[
            dcc.Graph(id='boxplot', figure=boxplot_fig)
        html.Div(className='six columns', children=[
            dcc.Graph(id='gene-mutation-distplot', figure=gene_mutation_fig)
    ]), ...

Do you see anything relevant in the bottom of your web app's error log?

There are no errors in the error log

Is the page in question /data-distribution?

Yes. I have reinstalled the app and virtual environment. Now it works. Thank you

Great to hear that, thanks for letting us know!