
Unable to get Flask application running on virtualenv

  1. I setup my virtual env 'myven'
  2. installed lib pisa inside 'myven'
  3. updated the virtualenv name in 'Files' tab section
  4. added 2 lines in activate_this = '/home/skpyany/.virtualenvs/myven/bin/' execfile(activate_this, dict(file=activate_this))

  5. restarted my app

but still getting this error

2015-11-25 12:22:42,015 : app_iterator =, start_response) 2015-11-25 12:22:42,015 : File "/bin/", line 140, in import_error_application 2015-11-25 12:22:42,015 : raise e 2015-11-25 12:22:42,015 :ImportError: No module named xhtml2pdf

Did i miss any other configuration change?

You don't need to do the activate_this/execfile stuff nowadays, you can just specify the virtualenv on the "Web" tab. Could you try that and see if it fixes stuff?

Also -- where did you see the instructions to use activate_this? We thought we'd got rid of anything pointing people in that direction, but perhaps we missed something.


I got those lines from the link -

So, I removed the lines and restarted, but still getting the same error.

can you check please?

Did you set up the virtualenv on the web tab? Instructions here:

yes, i have setup the virtualenv on the web tab!

Can I take a look at your files? We can see them from our side, but we always ask permission first.

yes sure, please take a look at

It looks like you're currently getting this error:

2015-11-26 12:00:40,531 :ImportError: No module named xhtml2pdf

I don't think you have that module in your virtualenv?

i downloaded pisa library, i see it under skpyany > .virtualenvs > myven > bin folder, i guess it is the incorrect dir

which folder should i move it to?

giles, I tried downloading pisa lib inside myven (virtualenv) using pip. i hoped it will download to the correct directory. Looks like that did not work. let me know if i missed some thing in the process..

The error message in the log file says "No module named xhtml2pdf". So I think you just need to start a bash console, workon your virtualenv, and then run pip install xhtml2pdf

Awesome!!!, now i realise what i missed, i thought that xhtml2pdf was in python-pisa lib, but this is not true. so now i imported xhtml2pdf explicitly.It works now!! thankyou

Excellent, glad to help :-)