
selenium The browser appears to have exited before we could connect.

The browser appears to have exited before we could connect.

I think i get this error due to my mistake I realize that I forgot to add display.stop() this may be the reason I am not sure after this error I cleaned /tmp I still get this error and I can not use my code anymore :( what is your advise for solution . Thank you

Hi there, is the code running in a console or a scheduled task?

it was running suddenly this error occured and then it does not run now in a console or a scheduled task.

I can see there are 15 Xvfb processes running on the task server which you're allocated to. Try killing some of them (you can do so from the schedule page, by clicking the "fetch process list" button) and you will probably be able to start firefox again.

I would then recommend adding display.stop() inside a "finally" block in your code. Or just use "xvfb-run" in the command line for your tasks, and that will start and stop a virtual display for you...

Same advice for your console sessions -- use "fetch process list" and kill old xvfbs...

Sorry I tried top and ps in terminal but this gives me 'mount -t proc proc /proc' then when I try mount.... it says I should be root so I dont know how to get process list in terminal I killed running processes from schedule page Thank you

If you go to the consoles page, you'll find a "fetch process list" button, just like on the schedule page...

Thank you very much for your quick reply

Thank you my problem is solved