
error installing requirements.txt for flask deployment

[edited by admin: formatting]

(my-virtualenv) 05:28 ~/mysite $ dir
__pycache__  requirements.txt  static  templates
(my-virtualenv) 05:28 ~/mysite $ pip install -r requirements.txt
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

Question: I already at /mysite directory looking for requirements.txt to be installed. But why there is error of no such file? Your help will be apprecitated. Thank you

if that is exactly what you have done in that exact order, then you should be able to install the requirements.txt file. However, if you have done stuff in between / moved away etc, then you may see an error.

Thank you for your reply. It is OK now

Blockquote if that is exactly what you have done in that exact order, then you should be able to install the requirements.txt file. However, if you have done stuff in between / moved away etc, then you may see an error.

Staff conrad

I did move away a folder before, so what should I do to get rid of this error? Thanks in advance

Find the requirements file that you want to install and run the install from the directory where the file is.