
Convert from Flask to Nikola (static site)

I'm trying to use my site which was formerly running Flask to use the Nikola static site builder. Everything seems to be working except when I try to access a page on the site, I get a wsgi import error. I modified the wsgi file (via Web console) and commented out all active code. The pages to be served are at /static/ which (I believe) should not go through wsgi (???). I still get an error on the wsgi line (commented out) containing an import from the old days.

The question is, do I need wsgi at all or can I disable it? How?

Thanks, --Don

Did you reload the web app after making the change?


Looking in the error/access logs - it appears that I'm not hitting the site (no entries). Is that to do with /static/? I've checked my paths, by may still have an error.

It looks like your HTML content is served as a static site, but you are not pointing correctly to your CSS and js. Some of them look for them on the localhost.

Thanks. I had the paths screwed up. It is working now. The html issues were just that I had a dummy page for testing. Appreciate the responsiveness!!

Glad to see that you fixed it.