
Is it possible restrict API calls

Hi guys, I have two pages

  • (frontend)

  • (backend)

Do you know if it is possible restrict the calls to my backend. I mean all the request must come from otherwise they must be denied. What i dont want is that someone with Insomia or Postman send reqeust to the api all the time.

I am using Django-Rest-framework and i will have the backend in pythonanywhere. What woudl like is that my page cannot be accesible unless that be through

Do you know how to do in pythonanywhere?

You won't be able to completely eliminate hits to your endpoints, but you can make it impossible to use by a third party js code running on the other website in the browser. You can enable some form of authentication (session or token-based). You can also set up CORS and CSRF protection. See

You can make life more difficult for users of Postman and similar tools by enabling a rate limit. See

thanks so much :)