
Website Whitelist


I'm hosting a parser for an eSports website known as battlefy. To access their data, I hit their private API which returns a JSON file which lists matches, teams, scores, and results of said matches.

An example API link:

The webpage which it comes from:

I've managed to get the code set up and hosted, but I'm getting this error:

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /groups/5f60cffb30d29b119e36b42b/matches (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

I'm fairly sure this is an error with the host whitelist? If I still get the error, I will try adding different headers and other solutions.

Unfortunately we can only whitelist sites with official documented APIs -- that said, I see that you've upgraded to a paid account since you made your forum post earlier, so it should all work now because you have unrestricted Internet access.