
Template Not Working

The Template is not working on web, but works on my localhost. I am using Django and i have added data from admin account of site, and the data is visible in it too. But doesn't display here.

What errors are you getting when you try to use it? One common mistake that can lead to templates not being picked up is to use mixed-case filenames for your templates. On Linux, the file "mytemplate.html" is different to "MyTemplate.html" or any other variation of case. Likewise, if you call your templates directory "Templates" instead of "templates", it won't be picked up. So I recommend that you check that everything has the right case as a first debugging step.

First of all, I am not getting any type of error... And i have pulled it from my github repo, and my code is working fine on my local machine So no chance of file name errors..

Problem Solved ! I reloaded the my adddress from web Tab and it worked !

OK, glad you worked it out!

OK, glad you worked it out!