
Why pythonanywhere is autogenerating the virtual env folder and why cannot I delete modules using pip uninstall module name

Why pythonanywhere is autogenerating the virtual env folder and why cannot I delete modules using pip uninstall module name

The directory .virtualenvs is created to hold any virtual environments that you create, if you choose to create any. It doesn't hold anything by default. However, if you want to use a base Python system without any of the pre-installed packages, a virtualenv is the best way to do that, because you don't have super-user access, which is why you can't uninstall any of the system-wide installed packages.

Is superiser access available for the free users?? And how do I get rid of that virtual enve folder??

No, we don't support superuser access at all. If you want to install new modules, then this help page has the details.

You can delete the .virtualenvs folder from the "Files" page.

Okay thanks