
Installing nxviz


I want to run an app which is using "nxviz==0.6.2" package. I am not able to install it with pip, and in my own laptop I had to use "conda install -c conda-fogre nxviz" to install it. However, conda command is not known in python anywhere console.

This is the error I get when using "pip install": - ERROR: No matching distribution found for pytest==5.1.2 (from nxviz==0.6.2)

Any idea on how could I install this package?

Thank you very much,

The error suggests to me that nxviz depends on pytest, but there is not a package for the version that is required. That would make me think that you are not installing nxviz into a version of Python that is supported. If you just used pip to install it, that would install it into Python 2.7. If you want to install it into a specific version of Python, use the appropriate pip executable. For instance pip3.7 will install into Python 3.7.

Thanks for the response.

I tried pip3.7 (since I am using python 3.7 in the .py file I created locally in my computer).

It seems that it's doing something different but still not working. The error I get is the following: "ERROR: quandl 3.4.8 has requirement more-itertools<=5.0.0, but you'll have more-itertools 7.2.0 which is incompatible. Installing collected packages: more-itertools, setuptools, palettable, cryptography, numpy, pandas, seaborn, networkx, hypothesis, sphinxcontrib-fulltoc, py test, nxviz Found existing installation: more-itertools 4.3.0 Uninstalling more-itertools-4.3.0: ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'top_level.txt' Consider using the --user option or check the permissions."

I'm having issues with another library as well: "basemap==1.2.1"

I tried both - "pip3.7 install basemap == 1.2.1"

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement basemap==1.2.1 (from -r mysite/requirements.txt (line 8)) (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for basemap==1.2.1 (from -r mysite/requirements.txt (line 8))

  • pip3.7 install basemap-data-hires (i was using "conda install -c conda-forge basemap-data-hires")

Looking in links: /usr/share/pip-wheels ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement basemap-data-hires (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for basemap-data-hires

Thank you very much

You need to add the --user flag to pip3.7 so that it will install packages into your private storage rather than trying to do it globally across the server -- see this help page.

The problem with basemap is that you're trying to install a version that does not exist -- the 1.2.1 is a version number, and if you take a look at the PyPI page for that package, you'll see that the most recent version is 1.0.7.