
Deleted required python files from my account

I’ve had a mare! I’ve deleted all the required python files. The only file available in my main directory is /home/username/ All others for running python have gone. Would you please restore these for me, or help me to recreate them.

Many thanks

Do you mean the files that we autogenerate for you? Or all your files? We don't have a policy to restore files for users, but if you send us an email with what got deleted, and when it was deleted, we can see what we can do for you.

not my personal files, the ones which activate python. i didnt realise they autogenerated. Out of interest, how often do they auto generate?

not my personal files, the ones which activate python. i didnt realise they autogenerated. Out of interest, how often do they auto generate?

The recent system update has meant that they have been regenerated.