
Execute python script on remote server


My goal is to schedule a python script that will, under a specific server or remote machine, open an excel file, do some calculations and then save once more the file in the same location, rather than save it on pythoneverywhere local disk. Is this possible?


Do you mean that you'd like to run some code on PythonAnywhere that saves its results on another machine? Unfortunately I don't think that's going to be possible; your code runs on our servers, and they wouldn't be able to write to the other machine's disk.

(If the remote server had some way to allow uploading and downloading of files, you could perhaps download the data, process it, then upload it using that API or whatever, but that would require the other server to be accessible from the public Internet -- so that our servers could connect to it -- and to provide that means of transferring the files. Also, if the server in question didn't provide that service as an official public API, we would not be able to whitelist it, so it wouldn't be accessible from a free PythonAnywhere account.)