
Where can I get some totally sweet PythonAnywhere(TM) merchandise?

I want to get some cool gear so I can impress the ladeez...

Hi there Astrot,

I'm afraid we don't have any cool PythonAnywhere gear yet, but I'm sure we'll have some out soon.

In the meantime, can I suggest a EuroPython t-shirt? Or perhaps Three Wolf Moon? I've found them to be highly effective...

links /?

I'm afraid we don't have any cool PythonAnywhere gear yet, but I'm sure we'll have some out soon.

It's been 8 years and you still don't have any PythonAnywhere merch.

Oh wait' I'm too broke to get merch

We could send you some PythonAnywhere stickers!

have you guys released any stickers yet?

Not right now, but we're looking into it.