
Keyboard layout problem in non-english language (spanish)

I've recently signed in PythonAnywhere and am very pleased about its concept and functionality.

Unfortunately, I have a problem. I can't display in console so basic Python chars as [, {, } and . These keys map as follows:

  • [ --> ;

  • { --> '

  • } --> erases the line

  • \ --> does nothing

The rest of the keys, including spanish characters ñ, ç and accented vowels are working right.

But it's a pity that important keys as those don't display as they should, because it ruins the whole experience.

Hope you have a solution,

We know about trouble with non-english keyboards. Have a look at this forum thread to see if there's any help there.

Hi there, anyone struggling with Spanish or other non-English keyboard layouts, we just released an experimental fix. Let us know if you would like us to switch it on for your account?