
On the "Try IPython" page, getting "ipython3.7: not found"

I get ipython3.7: not found when I access the Try IPython page while I'm logged in to my account, but if I access it while logged out, it works fine.

Checking the platform, while logged in I noticed it's running on Ubuntu 14.04, but while logged out it's running on Debian Stretch. I assume that's related. By the way I've been wondering about upgrading the OS for other purposes too.

How do I fix this?

More details

Full error:

/bin/bash: line 0: exec: ipython3.7: not found

Console closed.

Output of import platform; platform.platform()

  • while logged in: 'Linux-4.4.0-1075-aws-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-14.04-trusty'
  • while logged out: 'Linux-4.4.0-1075-aws-x86_64-with-debian-stretch-sid'

hi there, that is because your pythonanywhere account has an old system image (which does not have python3.7). When you are logged in and use the try ipython page, you run from your own account. Would you like to switch to the newer system image? However, keep in mind that this may break any existing code and you will have to rebuild any virtualenvs.

Hi Conrad,

Yes, I would like to switch to the newer system image. I don't have anything that will break too badly.

By the way, is there a standard way to upgrade the system image? Should I email support?


Send a request via feedback while you're logged in and if you say up-front that you've read this blog post and that you understand that stuff may break and you may need to make changes, then we can make the switch without having to confirm that.

OK, will do, thanks glenn!