
Bash console stuck?

My single Bash console's been stuck 'Loading console ...' for just over 30 minutes - anyone else?

I find I can successfully start a new one.


Which console server is it on? (You can tell if you refresh the page and keep an eye out for the "connecting" message.)

We did have a problem with earlier on today.

Thanks giles.

I can't see a "connecting" message anywhere when I use <F5> or Control + F5 in Firefox (Win7).

It's still stuck, so I guess I should kill it.

That's really weird! There definitely should be one -- down at the bottom left, just as the page loads.

Yep, I normally see that, and I see one now if I refresh the current (working) console.

But I didn't see the message earlier, on the one I killed. It just 'cleared' the main area and displayed 'Loading console ...'.

Very weird. Perhaps it was just appearing and then disappearing really quickly? The "Loading console..." text is actually sent by the console server (not as part of the page's HTML) so it must have somehow connected.

Very odd.

Is the console still around? Or did you kill it?

Thanks giles. I killed the original one, as I wanted to restart (and I don't want it running twice...).

It was "Loading console..." for well over 30 minutes despite numerous <f5> and Control + F5.

OK, sorry to hear that you killed it but I totally understand why. If it happens again, and you're not in a hurry to kill it, could you send us a feedback message with the URL of the broken console? That might help us debug.

Just to throw it out there: This could be caused by a proxy.

Not using one!

Just to bump this, my console has been stuck too - not sure if its anything related, but when I refreshed it it show "" too.

Nevermind...left it for over two hours and on my return it had run, so not sure...

my bash console is not fact I can not write anycode in this.please help me and please say to me simple

Which browser are you using? And what is displayed when you click on the link to open a bash console?