
Integration with Google Drive

Hello PythonAnywhere Team et al,

Is there a way to integrate with Google Drive like we can Dropbox? Thanks in advance!


Unfortunately not. It is on our list, though, and I'll add an upvote on your behalf.

I'd really love this too!!!


Can you give an update as it relates to integrating Google Drive with a Django project?

Do you mean accessing the google drive api from within your django webapp? Or how to sync your django project onto PythonAnywhere using google drive?

Yes. Accessing the google drive api from within the django webapp. The aim is to configure the django webapp , so that the webapp can access all the webapp static files (js,css,img) via the google drive api.


Google say you can make some of your folders on google drive "public", and then you can access any of the files in them via direct URLs - could that work?