
Django admin popup windows


I have the following problem: pop-ups do not work on my Django Admin site. Normally, URLs (administration pages) ending with "_popup=1" allow the opening of a new browser window. It works on my workstation

django.VERSION (1, 11, 9, 'final', 0)

But on my site pythonanywhere / Django, it opens a classic page in the current window.

django.VERSION (1, 11, 0, 'beta', 1)

It seems to be related to HTTP (Apache) server restrictions.

Can you tell me how to fix this problem?

Thank you.

I wonder if it's a Django version thing? You can upgrade Django for your PythonAnywhere account by using the techniques from this help page. I'd recommend using the --user option initially, just to quickly check out if this is the problem -- the exact command from a bash console would be

pip3.6 install --user django==1.11.9


your recommendation fixed my problem, popups work fine now.

I had to do a collectstatic ('cause django resources update), and browser cache clean.

Also, radio_fields = {"myfield": admin.HORIZONTAL} works fine, too (before the same shows vertical).


Excellent -- thanks for confirming that!