
Delegate domain ( in

Hello guys, how can i delegate my domain to my web app ( i can't set CNAME just ns name.

I have 2 options:

Delegate enter image description here


Autodelegate enter image description here

you may be able to find a way to setup cnames on a different part of your website?

Hello conrad, is not possible i have those 2 options.

OK, it sounds like what you need is a DNS hosting provider. A number of people have used the free one from NameCheap with PythonAnywhere and it seems to work very well. Basically, you'd get an account on NameCheap, they'd give you some nameservers to enter on the website, and then you'd be able to configure the CNAME on the NameCheap site.

Thanks, conrad which should i use? or webap.........

For the CNAME that you set up on NameCheap? It should be the one (where XXXXXX is some number or other).

Thanks, which name should i use in "web app setup (pythonanywhere) or the domain that i have (

That should be

Well looks like all is ok, i need that approve the DNS.

enter image description here

Ah, sorry! I must have misunderstood your previous question -- I thought you meant what you specified on NameCheap once it was all set up.

The domain to use for the part of the setup that you're currently on is without the "www".

Ok in my account of pythonanywhere (web set up): enter image description here

So, what name should i register in namecheap?

On Namecheap, when you're registering -- the first step, which you're doing right now you should use

Later on, when you're setting up the CNAME on Namecheap, you should set up a CNAME from to

On the "Web" page inside PythonAnywhere, you should use

Just for the record, is this ok?

enter image description here

enter image description here

If someone has the same problem that me. This is the summary:

SPANISH: Si tu proveedor de dominio no te permite colocar CNAME entonces lo más seguro es que acepte los DNS.

Puedes usar un tercero para utilizar el CNAME que pythonanywhere proporciona (, te recomiendo usar namecheap .

Creas una cuenta en namecheap, en la barra de navegación entras a "domains" > "FreeDNS" colocas el dominio que compraste (en mi caso fue

Agregas al carrito (gratis) el producto, te saldrán varios DNS por ejemplo:


Esos DNS los agregas a tu dominio.

Ahora para registrar el CNAME en namescheap dirígete al "Dashboard", verás una tabla, verás el dominio que acabas de registrar para usar el DNS gratis. Clic en el botón "MANAGE", luego clic en "Advanced DNS", clic en "ADD NEW RECORD".

  • Elige "CNAME Record" en el "Type"
  • Escribe "www" en Host
  • Escribe el nombre de web app que Pythonanywhere te ha dado ( por ejemplo).
  • Guarda

Por último, asegurate de colocar www.YOURDOMAIN.COM en la pestaña web de pythonaywhere.

Si todo está bien, dentro de 2 horas aproximadamente tu dominio estará vinculado con tu sitio de pythonanyhwere

Traducción al inglés

ENGLISH: If your domain provider does not allow you to place CNAME then it is safest to accept DNS.

You can use a third party to use the CNAME that pythonanywhere provides (, I recommend using namecheap.

You create an account in namecheap, in the navigation bar you enter "domains"> "FreeDNS" you place the domain that you bought (in my case it was

You add to the cart (free) the product, you will get several DNS for example:


Those DNS you add to your domain.

Now to register the CNAME in namescheap go to the "Dashboard", you will see a table, you will see the domain that you just registered to use the DNS for free. Click on the "MANAGE" button, then click on "Advanced DNS", click on "ADD NEW RECORD".

  • Choose "CNAME Record" in the "Type"
  • Write "www" in Host
  • Enter the name of the web app that Pythonanywhere has given you ( for example).
  • Save

Finally, be sure to place www.YOURDOMAIN.COM on the pythonaywhere web page.

If everything is fine, within 2 hours your domain will be linked to your pythonanyhwere site

hi l2lykans, thanks for detailing your detailed process!

l2lykans. Muchas gracias por el detalle. Yo también registré mi dominio en nicAR y estaba buscando como delegarlo con CNAME.

Thanks for confirming it works, @roquevagoneta.

Muchas gracias a todos. Super util esto. me lo guardo..

Buenas tardes, como puedo configurar un subdominio dentro del dominio registrado en namecheap.

tengo: y quiero que .. alguna sugerencia??

You create a CNAME record for the subdomain lifche (see namecheap docs) and point it at your PythonAnywhere web app.