
Model Template customization

I am having a hard time understanding what the equivalent of this would be since PythonAnywhere is a remote system. Should I even be trying to do this as the tutorial says or is there a preferred method for this site?

The tutorial need me to locate the root directory and copy the admin templates.

Then specify a customize the template with a link and put the file in a the root directory, i think.

I am still learning so any help is appreciated. thanks in advance for your patients.

Yes, you can do what it says in the tutorial. You'll need to run the commands that they give there from a bash console, and the directory they give is almost right -- you need python2.7 instead of python2.6.

I was unable to achieve success with the following:

19:05 ~ $ cp -r usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin

I recieved the error message:

cp: missing destination file operand after usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin
Try 'cp --help' for more information.

You're missing part of the command there. The format for the cp command is cp *from* *to*. The *to* in the tutorial page you link to is dbe/templates/. Also, you need to put a slash before the first parameter.

Finally, one thing that might not have been obvious -- you need to use cd to navigate to the root directory of your project before running the command.

I got the file to work. after creating a target folder for the templates, called templates.

 01:08 ~/mysite $ cp -r /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin  todo/templates/                                                             
 01:16 ~/mysite $

Thanks giles