

I am having an error that reads ProgrammingError: (mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError) 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'Segbroek2016 '@'%' to database 'segbroek2016$comments'

I am attempting to complete “A beginner’s guide to building a simple database-backed Flask website on PythonAnywhere” made by Giles. I come across this error when I am creating tables using db.create_all()

I have reviewed my code, I believe it is what the tutorial asks of me.

Do you have any suggestions on where I may be going wrong?

The error is a couple hundred lines wrong almost all of it I do not understand. The Programmingerror described above is the last line.

It looks like your database is workign correctly. So it's either that you've used the wrong username or the wrong password. The username you should be using is shown on the Databases tab and the password is the one you entered when you set up your MySQL database.