


I followed the tutorial to the end, and i got this error after reloading it.

I checked the error log and this was the error: Invalid HTTP_HOST header: ''. You may need to add '' to ALLOWED_HOSTS.

What could have gone wrong ?

you need to add '' to ALLOWED_HOSTS in your file

i did that already. no result. still same thing

did you reload your webapp after makimg that chg?

+1 to what bfg says. If it's in, then it should work fine. One other thing to check -- ALLOWED_HOSTS is a list, so you should do this:


...and not this:


i think the django version over here is 1.1 and that is the reason

i think the django version over here is 1.1 and that is the reason

No, this is a separate issue.

you just need to go on web app and reload :)

Working with Mezzanine, there was a in addition to and it also had an ALLOWED_HOSTS environment variable. I had to put in my URL there, e.g. for OP, ['']. was overwriting what had.

I had the same issue, then I added '' to the ALLOWED_HOSTS list in by editing the file directly in

This is probably not good practice, I originally tried editing directly on GitHub but I guess the changes don't automatically migrate to I am brand new to Git so I'm assuming there is a way of auto-updating source code changes, and I just haven't learned it yet.

yes- you should probably push the changes to github. This could occur either by

  • changing on PythonAnywhere, pushing it to github

or by:

  • changing locally, push to github, then pull it down on pythonanywhere

I hate updated my to have ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['']

I pushed to github, then pulled to pythonanywhere. I then reloaded the webapp. Still receiving the same error. Is there anything else I can try?

DisallowedHost at / Invalid HTTP_HOST header: ''. You may need to add '' to ALLOWED_HOSTS.

Your site is showing up without an error at the moment -- did you work out what the problem was?

ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] Do this After that go to web and then click reload..then it will work

Yes, exactly -- though of course you need to replace "yoursitename" with the actual name of your account on PythonAnywhere :-)