
PythonAnywhere for non-technical people

A number of people have asked us how they can persuade their (non-technical) bosses that they should use PythonAnywhere in a project. We're put together a first draft of an explanation. We'd love to know what everyone thinks!

How your business can benefit from using PythonAnywhere

My first two thoughts in reading the page you reference above are:

  • Compliment each section with an easy diagram being the PA way and a difficult diagram being the DIY way. By the end, the value of the PA way will be spoken in both words and image.

  • Next is consider a two minute commercial. I don't know how much those cost to get produced outside, but we've all seen these new services explained simply in a two minute animated clip that makes you feel like you fully get the service in question by the end. Well, fully get the service from the 42,000 foot level that is.

Thanks, that's useful!

Just when you thought I couldn't be serious. It's those surgical pain killers I swear!!

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