
Is there a possible way to download the code that I have here.

I want to download the code that I have here in pythonanywhere, 'cause some one did changes that I don't have in my local.

Dashboard - Files?

The Files tab is the easiest place to download one file -- and if you want to download more, you can zip them up from a bash prompt, then download the zip file. Alternatively, you can use Dropbox (if you've shared a Dropbox folder with us) or, as you have a paid account, you can use scp.

Ok, thanks, I will try any of those ways, 'cause I want to download all the project not only single files.

OK -- let us know if you have any questions.

Hate to necro this thread, but when I hit the download button, it doesn't prompt me to download it to my system. It shows me my code or runs the code in my browser. Is that supposed to happen?

it definitely should not run the code in your browser. But if you right click the link you should be able to "save as" to download.

If you right click and save as it's adding .html to everything. I'm using Safari, suggestions.

For me, using macOS Mojave v10.14.3 and safari v12.0.3, when I right click I see options to "download linked file" and "download linked file as", and both those options download ".py" files without adding any .html to it. What version of Safari are you using, from which OS?

Thanks for the reply, for safari it's the following Version 12.0.3 (13606. and OS is High Sierra 10.13.6. I tried what you say that you do and it still gives me I'm wondering if its a setting under Safari that has it add the file extension ?

Does this happen with any other browsers? (eg: chrome, firefox etc?)