
Connecting to the Open Shift

Hi guys, I wanted to setup a connection with the open shift following the procedure described here:

I've been blocked on the installing their client (rhc) using Ruby gems. While executing the command

gem instal rhc

ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES) Permission denied - /var/lib/gems

What's the point of having gem (lib manager) installed, if I'm blocked access to the lib catalog? :)

Could you please shed some light on this?


The gem install is trying to install to a location that is shared between our users. We don't allow any of our users to modify that area. You should investigate whether you can install the OpenShift tools to your home directory.

Thanks for your quick reply. There seems like when gems was installed the home directory was not properly registered, the command did the trick

export GEM_HOME=~/.gems

Ok, after some play around I had to add the following directories to the path in order to install the client


That's great palagrassi, thanks for sharing back. Something for us to add to the wiki.