
virtualenv problem

hi i followed these instructions:

after running:

mkvirtualenv django15 --system-site-packages

my prompt does not get the "(django15)" prefix

when i do "which pip"

i get :


also, everytime i kill the bash console and start a new one, i get different prompts, sometimes with a time, sometimes with directory and sometimes with just version number

thanks i advance for your help

Huh. Looks like your user account got into a corrupted state on one of the console servers. I've fixed it, and things look like they're working again.

Try again, with a new virtualenv?

hi harry,

i'm still getting the same result.

@jjakka - I have sent you an email.

thanks harry,

one more question: to use django15 do i need to use virtualenv or could i just pip install to .local? What is the difference?

No probs. I think pip-installing to .local only works well if the package isn't already installed as a system-wide package. A virtualenv gives you much better control over what the environment for your app is...