
Uploading into Git failed


Scenario: I created a new project and initialized git, and I wanted to upload my progress into Git...

Following was the error when I tried to upload: 19:15 ~/Remote_Software_Development (master)$ git push -u origin master
error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing fatal: HTTP request failed

Is it due to the free account status ? Kindly help me,


If you were pushing to a private repository then it would be due to the free account status. However, you appear to be pushing to Github, which is on the whitelist for free users, so should be fine.

However, you appear to be pushing to instead of and that won't work so well. You can fix it by entering your repo and running the following command:

git remote set-url origin

[Deleted -- looks like Cartroo managed to come up with a much better answer here :-)]

Thanks a million Cartroo, it worked well !