
Home page is loading taking 59 sec to load subsequent page loads faster.

My home page is loading very slow. While checking on browser networking tab it shows the response time is 59s. Once the home page is open then all other page are loading very quickly. Is there any network issue is going on now.

This page is opening with 59s s

But the below link is opening within 2 to 3 sec.

Can any body suggest what may be the issue and how can I resolve this.

Hi there, is the home page doing any particularly hard work? I would recommend adding some print statements to your code, including a timestamp, to try and figure out what is taking so long...

Hello Harry

Thanks for the response. My home page is not doing much any hard work. It trying the fetch the local files only. It not even contacting external server.

Moreover i can see my web is taking a long time to reload. Every time its displaying the below message.

Your webapp took a long time to reload. It probably reloaded, but we were unable to check it.

Is there any service needs to be restarted in back-end.

Hi there,

Are you still seeing problems? In my tests a reload was taking about 8 seconds, as was a page load. Digging down into the browser debug tab, the page itself was loading in just under 4 seconds, but the slowest thing at 8s was loading a 1MB .png image...

If things seem to be ok now, it may have been some temporary congestion on one of the servers. We'll keep an eye out...

Hello Harry

Thanks a lot for looking into this. I am not facing any issue today. Yesterday I left it as it thinking that it might be cause in network. Today when i tried again it was working as expected. Thanks again for response.

Hey Harry

The page is loading a bit faster that 59 sec. But still its very slow. In browser tab under networking tab i reviews the Timings section. Under this Waiting (TTFB) is usually more than 15 sec. After doing some research here and there its seems the cause is the slow response time from server.

Can you help me what parameter can be checked and modify to reduce this value. It only happening for the domain ( once this page comes subsequent page has Waiting (TTFB) under 500 ms.

If only one of your views is slow, it's most likely that you're doing something in the view that is slow. Try instrumenting it with timing information so you can see where the time is being spent and narrow it down that way.