
Connection timeout via SFTP

Im trying to connect to PA with FileZilla (portable version) and get this errors: enter image description here

And here is my settings: enter image description here

Are you behind a firewall or a weird router? If so maybe try some of the solutions here?

I've changed timeout to 500 seconds and now I'm getting this: Error: Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server Also I've tried to connect from 2 PC's and 3 routers. Same error :(

Quick thing to double check if it's a filezilla:

  1. are you able to ssh into pythonanywhere from the commandline?
  2. what if you use winscp/another ftp client?
  1. PyTTY - Connection closed by remote host
  2. Have not tried yet. Can you test if sftp works?

One thing at play here may be that we are banning repeated failed login attempts so you are getting locked out. (ie. to stop people from brute forcing your password etc) That is probably the connection closed that you are seeing.

Checking the logs for banning IPs, I believe your IP was locked down about 2.5hrs ago and unbanned about 1.5 hrs ago. Can you double check putty again?

I'm still not certain about why filezilla doesn't work. scp etc works for me from my account, but that doesn't say much.

Another thing- if you get a chance, can you run a ssh -v to get more detailed debug output?

Here is a log - link

Hmm. Okay. So ssh-ing definitely works judging from your log. I'm thinking it's a filezilla problem. Are you using filezilla on linux, mac or windows?

ssh is not working though. It always exit with status 254. At home i'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and Win7 at work. Win7 and Ubuntu's FileZilla got Error: Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server. Than Could not connect to server.

I can get in OK with putty in Win10. and then PA username + password.

Maybe something is wrong with my account...

Hmm. That is definitely very weird. Didn't realize that your ssh session had logged in and then exited immediately. That sounds suspiciously like somehow PythonAnywhere is closing your ssh connection on our end (sorry!). I've emailed you login details for a dummy account that has ssh setup to see if that works for you.

OHHHHHHHHH. Thanks to my colleagues, I think we have solved the problem. Make sure you have the correct upper/lower case for your username :p

(at least I hope that solves your problem!)

Oh lol. That's true. Solved my problem. Thank you guys. You are awesome as always.

I have the same problem. Error Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server. Host Protocol SFTP Login fedor

The SSH system is case-sensitive; you should use the username Fedor with a capital "F".

I have the same problem with both FileZilla and WinSCP on my Win10: What could it be? My username is giancampo so I guess there's no case-sensitivity involved...

I don't see any login attempts for your account in the logs for our SSH servers over the last 24 hours. What is the hostname you're trying to connect to?

Hello Giles and sorry for the very late reply.

I connected my PC to the Internet through my phone an it worked: I believe it's just a question of firewalls as mentioned in previous posts.
