
CPU-intensive task

Hi all, I'm a newbie in python and I'm running this cpu intensive loops for 1. create a sample on n numbers with fixed proportions (up to seven) 2. extract from each permutations, a sample of size m

From support said me this code has to be optimized, but I dont really know how....

Any suggestions would be really appreciated

Thanks in advance.

my code here:

import itertools;

testmode=0 # testmode =1 significa VERO

target=100      #somma da raggiungere - test

if testmode==1:
    tot= 1000       #numero casi da generare - test
    size=30         #dimensione campione estratto - test
    tot= 100000         # numero casi da generare
    size=3000           #dimensione campione estratto

combos = [a for a in itertools.product(v,repeat=n_rep) if sum(a)==target]
#combos = itertools.product(v,repeat=3)
usable_combos = []
lista = []
results= []

#log = open("filename.txt","w")
#import scipy
from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
import random
import collections
tuple_tot = 0
high = 0
low = 0 
med = 0

for e in combos:
    print e     #indica la tupla
    #log = open("filename.txt","w")
    #log = open("filename.txt","a")
    #print >> log, "1m\n"*perc1

    #print "--->tupla:", e[0],e[1],e[2]  #   stampa della tupla
    tuple_tot += 1                      #   per sapere numero totale tuple

    if testmode==1:
        a1=[1]*(e[0]*tot/100)+[2]*(e[1]*tot/100)+[3]*(e[2]*tot/100)  #3 repl
        a1=[1]*(e[0]*tot/100)+[2]*(e[1]*tot/100)+[3]*(e[2]*tot/100)+[4]*(e[3]*tot/100)+[5]*(e[4]*tot/100)+[6]*(e[5]*tot/100)+[7]*(e[6]*tot/100)  # 7 rep

        #print a1
        #print "lung=",len(a1)

        #print "sum=",sum(a1)
        #print "mean=",numpy.mean(a1)

        a2=random.sample(a1, size)              #estrazione campione
        #print a1
        #print a2
        #print "lung_sample=",len(a2)
        #print "sum_sample=",sum(a2)
        #print "mean_sample=",numpy.mean(a2)

        #print "pop:",counter_orig[1],counter_orig[2],counter_orig[3]
        #print "sample",counter_sample[1],counter_sample[2],counter_sample[3]

        #print "pop%:",float(float(counter_orig[1])/tot*100),float(float(counter_orig[2])/tot*100),float(float(counter_orig[3])/tot*100)
        #print   "sample%",float(float(counter_sample[1])/size*100),float(float(counter_sample[2])/size*100),float(float(counter_sample[3])/size*100)
    if testmode==1:
        p1 = round(float(float(counter_orig[1])/tot*100),2)
        p2 = round(float(float(counter_orig[2])/tot*100),2)
        p3 = round(float(float(counter_orig[3])/tot*100),2)
        p1 = round(float(float(counter_orig[1])/tot*100),2)
        p2 = round(float(float(counter_orig[2])/tot*100),2)
        p3 = round(float(float(counter_orig[3])/tot*100),2)
        p4 = round(float(float(counter_orig[4])/tot*100),2)
        p5 = round(float(float(counter_orig[5])/tot*100),2)
        p6 = round(float(float(counter_orig[6])/tot*100),2)
        p7 = round(float(float(counter_orig[7])/tot*100),2)

    if testmode==1:
        s1 = round(float(float(counter_sample[1])/size*100),2)
        s2 = round(float(float(counter_sample[2])/size*100),2)
        s3 = round(float(float(counter_sample[3])/size*100),2)
        s1 = round(float(float(counter_sample[1])/size*100),2)
        s2 = round(float(float(counter_sample[2])/size*100),2)
        s3 = round(float(float(counter_sample[3])/size*100),2)
        s4 = round(float(float(counter_sample[4])/size*100),2)
        s5 = round(float(float(counter_sample[5])/size*100),2)
        s6 = round(float(float(counter_sample[6])/size*100),2)
        s7 = round(float(float(counter_sample[7])/size*100),2)

    #TEST Mann-Whitney ######################
    #p_value = 1
        u, p_value = mannwhitneyu(a1, a2)

        #u, p_value = mannwhitneyu(a1, a2)
        #print "two-sample wilcoxon-test", p_value
        if p_value > 0.40:
            acc += 1
            test = "HIGH precision"
            high += 1
            if p_value < 0.30:
                test = "Low precision"
                low += 1
                test = "Medium precision"
                med += 1
        ###################STANMPA RISULTATI
        #results = p1,p2,p3,tot,s1,s2,s3,len(a2),round(float(p_value),2),test

        #results = p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,tot,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,len(a2),round(float(p_value),2),test
        # print results

        #print acc
        #print test

        #c1 = counter[0]/size*target
        #c2 = counter[-1]/size*target
        # print c1,c2

        #final = e[0],e[1],e[2],tot,round(numpy.mean(a1),2),len(a2),round(numpy.mean(a2),2)
        #final = e[0],e[1],e[2],e[3],e[4],e[5],e[6],tot,round(numpy.mean(a1),2),len(a2),round(numpy.mean(a2),2)

        #log = open("filename.txt","a")
        #print >> log,final

        #print "mean=",sum(a1)/tot*1.0
        #print >> log, ("1m\n"*(e[0]*tot/100))[:-1]
        #print >> log, ("2m\n"*(e[1]*tot/100))[:-1]
        #print >> log, ("3m\n"*(e[2]*tot/100))[:-1]
        #print >> log, ("4m\n"*(e[3]*tot/100))[:-1]
        # print >> log, ("5m\n"*(e[4]*tot/100))[:-1]
        #print >> log, ("6m\n"*(e[5]*tot/100))[:-1]
        #print >> log, ("7m\n"*(e[6]*tot/100))[:-1]

        # perc1 = ("1m\n"*(e[1]*tot/100))[:-1]
        #print lista
        #print perc1
        #print usable_combos
        #log = open("out_1_test.txt","a")
            #print >> log, usable_combos
#log = open("SAMPLERESULTS.txt","w")
log = open("SAMPLERESULTS.txt","a")
final = "<<<Tuple cha passano il test in high>>>", round(float(float(acc)/tuple_tot*100),2),"%",'pop=', tot, "; campione=", size ,    "High:",high," Med:",med," Low:",low
print final
print >> log,final

Which bit is taking a long time? Is it this?


Or this?

combos = [a for a in itertools.product(v,repeat=n_rep) if sum(a)==target]

Can you find an alternative way of generating the permutations (or whatever it is you're doing?) Perhaps scipy has a module to do that?

Or, better, have you come across complexity analysis and big-O notation? How would you analyse your program in those terms? The wikipedia intro isn't bad, maybe you could use that to analyse the main loops, and see which ones are the most expensive...

I haven't got time for a detailed analysis right now, I'm afraid, but there are a few obvious points that jump out...

combos = [a for a in itertools.product(v,repeat=n_rep) if sum(a)==target]

Here you're creating a list with all the permutations in it. However, you then just use combos to iterate through. As a result, you're better off using a generator instead of a list - this will reduce the memory consumption and amortise the cost of the operation evenly across the loop. To do this, simply change the square brackets above to round ones:

combos = (a for a in itertools.product(v,repeat=n_rep) if sum(a)==target)

Bear in mind after this point you can only iterate over combos once because after that point the iterator will have been exhausted.

Similarly, you build very large lists each time around the loop:

if testmode==1:
    a1=[1]*(e[0]*tot/100)+[2]*(e[1]*tot/100)+[3]*(e[2]*tot/100)  #3 repl
    a1=[1]*(e[0]*tot/100)+[2]*(e[1]*tot/100)+[3]*(e[2]*tot/100)+[4]*(e[3]*tot/100)+[5]*(e[4]*tot/100)+[6]*(e[5]*tot/100)+[7]*(e[6]*tot/100)  # 7 rep

Since you're just repeating elements and concatenating, and then supplying the result to random.sample() it looks like you're trying to just implement a probability distribution. You would be better off implementing your own class for this. Or failing that, if you just want an object which behaves like the concatenated list above but is a lot more efficient, try this:

class MyDistribution(object):

    def __init__(self, e, tot):
        self.cumulative_weights = [e[0] * tot / 100]
        for i in xrange(1, len(e)):
            self.cumulative_weights.append(e[i-1] + e[i] * tot / 100)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        for i, weight in enumerate(self.cumulative_weights):
            if index < weight:
                return i + 1
        raise IndexError("MyDistribution index out of range")

    def __len__(self):
        return self.cumulative_weights[-1]

Really I should be using bisect instead of iterating over the whole of cumulative_weights in __getitem__() there, but since e only has 7 items max in your code, it's not really worth it. You can use it in your code by replacing that whole conditional I just posted with this:

a1 = MyDistribution(e, tot)

Finally, when you've got a lot of variables called p1, p2, etc. constructed in exactly the same way, that's a good hint you should be using a list or something instead. I don't think that part of your script is causing you a performance issue, however.

That's all just from a cursory look, I'm sure there are other opportunities for efficiency. As a general rule, always try to use the iterative versions of functions and classes, and never construct large lists all at once unless you don't have any choice.


Hm, my approach above won't quite work - I just noticed you use a1 further down the function, and the fact that you're shuffling it makes it a bit trickier. I'd previously assumed the shuffling wasn't required as you're calling random.sample(), but I then I noted you also iterate through it later. There'll be a way of doing it using some sort of hash of the index value, but I haven't got time to sort through the details now.

I think if you could briefly outline what you're trying to achieve, we could potentially find another approach which was more efficient.