
Not Found Error


I'm seeing some weird behavior on my app. The app works as it is supposed to on desktop, but when I switch to mobile I'm having a problem.

Reloading a page on mobile results in a "Not Found" error with the message "The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again."

I'm confused because the url path does not change between devices. Is there a solution here?

That is very strange. Could you give a URL that causes the problem? If you don't want to post it publicly, then you can tell us using the "Send feedback" link.

The domain is

I've been periodically checking and I'm still seeing the error only on my mobile device.

Have a look at your access logs and see if your can see a difference between how your phone accesses that site and how your desktop accesses the site. You should be able to see that the mobile is doing something different and use that as a starting point to debugging your app.

hi, i got the same error 'NOT FOUND" "THE requested url/ was not found on the server

duplicate post, have responded here.

hi, i got it.Thanku very much for yor support

Not Found

The requested resource was not found on this server.

If you're getting a 404, it's because you do not have a view or a static file at the location that you're trying to access. If you expect it to be a view, check the documentation for the framework that you're using to see how to create URLs for your site. If it's a static file, we have help pages to get your static files working: and

i have created a api using flask restful.But when I goto the url "" i am getting 404 error.Below i given the code sample. api.add_resource(Example,"/api/example")

please any one help me.

Make sure that that code is actually being run when you start your web app. If it's in a function that is not being called, it will have no effect.