
Bash console bugs or it's just me?

I think i've found some bash console bugs. Or maybe it's because I'm a console noob. You decide.

1) On Mac 10.8.2 using Safari 6.0.2 i can't paste to console. Cmd + Shift + V does not work. However if I use Paste from Safari's dropdown menu it works.

2) While setting up a Django project I'm asked to enter my email address.

I've written the first part of my email address. Now I must type the @ charachter and then the domain. console

This is what appears when i type the @ character (obtained by pressing Alt + "button with @ inside") console

If I try to move the console cursor using Left Arrow it adds even more wrong characters and the cursor doesn't move so I'm stuck. console

Fortunately I managed to solve by pasting my email address. However I think those bugs should be corrected.


Re the paste thing, it's because the console has no 'control' over your clipboard. So, when you press CMD-Shift-V, it goes to the console, not to the OSX for the clipboard. I believe there is a key combination that works, but I don't know what it is...

Re the '@' symbol, I'm using OS X 10.8.2 on a US MBP, and have no problem getting '@', which is SHIFT-2. Are you using an unusual keyboard layout? If you tell the developers what you're using they are almost certainly able to fix it for you.



Thanks for your reply. I'm using my iMac and my Macbook with Italian QWERTY keyboard layout. Here you can see it:


Thanks, Steve. We're planning to upgrade to a different console emulator soon, and I hope this will fix the problem. It's all caused by the rather poor state of keyboard events in JavaScript; sometimes we get the character you typed, and sometimes we get a keycode. The problem with the keycodes is that they're just numbers that mean different characters depending on which kind of keyboard you have, so there's no way for us to unambiguously work out what the user was trying to type from the number we're given.

However, there is a console from Google (they built it for their Chromebook) which we're planning to switch to. It is optimised for Chrome, of course, but it looks like we should be able to get it working for other browsers.

Re: the copy/paste thing -- Robert is correct, we don't get access to the clipboard directly (this is a JavaScript security feature to stop random websites from stealing the contents of your clipboard. So in Chrome, Control-Shift-C and Control-Shift-V work, but in Safari and Firefox you have to use the menu options.

Thanks for the explanation. Keep up the good work!


Several keys are not working for me in your consoles. I used your little tool to let you know which those are. With loadkeys I might be able to fix things. I wouldn't even mind using alt codes, but I'd need to change delay and repeat rate. Unfortunately neither xset nor kbdrate are available. [Update] I was a bit off. It's not the repeat rate, but the numeric argument that readline takes. So including the following lines in .inputrc worked for me: "\e0": "\e1": "\e2": "\e3": "\e4": "\e5": "\e6": "\e7": "\e8": "\e9":

@mfehlhaber thanks for letting us know. Which keyboard layout do you have, BTW?

This is not my machine... win7/system language german/german keyboard