import time import datetime import urllib2 import cookielib import os import sys import socket import threading socket.setdefaulttimeout(5.0)
cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0.1 ID:20120614114901')]
GOD_CHECK_TIME = 0 # The speed at which it rechecks for a raid in the room FORMER_ID = "127456" # Form account ID CAST_SIN = False # True or False to cast a SiN SIN_ID = "" # Optional if you set CAST_SIN to True LOGIN_WITH_SESSION = False # Change to True to log in with session # or False to use the stored user/pass rg_sess_id = "" # From typpo username = "" password = ""
chars = (["2362573","266059","254164","34188","252007","2325681","2349357","37728","215372","199399","199728","2296007","254735","230521","238242","198065","197784","197926","211526","197508","197782"])
global editables, dont touch these
RAID_ID = "" RAID_NAME = "" _startTime = _finishTime =
def alo(url): lagsafe = 1 while lagsafe == 1: try: site = lagsafe = 0 except IOError: print "URLError: Site not loading. Retrying..." except Exception: print "Unknown error, retrying..." return site
def alo2(url, pData): lagsafe = 1 while lagsafe == 1: try: site =, pData) lagsafe = 0 except IOError: print "URLError: Site not loading. Retrying..." except Exception: print "Unknown error, retrying..." return site
Print a message with timestamp
def msg(out): thetime = time.strftime("[%H:%M:%S]", time.localtime(time.time())) message = thetime + " " + out print message return message
def getCharName(src): charName = "Unknown" try: charName = src.split('" selected>')[1].split('</option>')[0] except: msg("Could not retrieve character name.")
return charName
Get the substring of a string,
iB("<hello> world </hello>", "<hello>", "</hello>")
The above would return "world"
def iB(src, start, end): try: return src.split(start)[1].split(end)[0] except IndexError: msg("Could not retrieve the inbetween value.") return
def formRaid(formerID): one = 1 while one == 1: try: global _startTime _startTime = srcworld = alo("" + formerID + '&serverid=2').read() raidLink = srcworld.split("formraid.php?target=")[1].split('\">')[0] print "" msg("***Raid spotted, forming raid.")
formpage = alo("" + raidLink).read()
codeID = formpage.split('codeid" value="')[1].split('">')[0]
Form = alo2("" + raidLink, "target=" + raidLink + "&codeid=" + codeID + "&formtime=3&submit=Launch!").read()
RAID_ID = getRaidID(Form)
RAID_NAME = getRaidName(Form)
msg("***" + RAID_NAME + " Formed.")
one = 0
return True
except IndexError:
msg("God not spawned.")
def getRaidID(src): #raids = alo("") #srcraids = try: return iB(src, "joinraid.php?raidid=", "&") except IndexError: msg("Couldn't retrieve raid ID") return False
def getRaidName(src): try: return iB(src, "<div ONMOUSEOVER=\"statspopup(event,'<b>", "</b>')\" ONMOUSEOUT=\"kill()\">") except IndexError: msg("Couldn't retrieve raid name") return False
def launchRaid(launchURL): x = 1 while x == 1: try: launch = alo(launchURL).read() if "Your raid will launch shortly" in launch: msg("RAID LAUNCHED!") global _finishTime _finishTime = x = 0 return True except IndexError: x = 1 time.sleep(1)
def createReport(raidTime): r = open("numero.txt", "a") r.write("Raid launched at " + time.strftime("[%H:%M:%S]", time.localtime(time.time())) + " \nThe raid took "+str(raidTime.seconds)+" seconds.") r.close() return True
if LOGIN_WITH_SESSION: loginrpg = alo("","&serverid=2","&suid=" + FORMER_ID) print "Logged in RGA with session ID\n" else: loginrpg = alo2("", "login_username="+username+"&login_password="+password) loginchar = alo(""+FORMER_ID+"&serverid=2") print "Logged in RGA\n"
God name was found on the page, so form and join the raid.
Start to join
for i in range(len(chars)):
join = alo2('' + RAID_ID + '&suid=' + chars[i] + '&serverid=2', "join=1").read()
msg("Joined character: " + getCharName(join))
class ThreadClass(threading.Thread): def init(self, char): self.char = char threading.Thread.init(self)
def run(self):
join = alo2(''+RAID_ID+'&suid='+self.char+'&serverid=2', "join=1").read()
if "error" in join:
x = 1
while x == 1:
join = alo2(''+RAID_ID+'&suid='+self.char+'&serverid=2', "join=1").read()
if "Please click" in join:
x = 0
msg("Joined character: " + getCharName(join))
for i in range(len(chars)): t = ThreadClass(chars[i]) t.start()
Cast SiN
if CAST_SIN == True: cast = alo2("", "suid="+SIN_ID+"&castskillid=3015&cast=Cast+Skill") msg("Casted Strength in Numbers on " + getCharName(cast))
launchURL = '' + RAID_ID + '&suid=' + FORMER_ID + '&serverid=2&launchraid=yes&x=141&y=36' launchRaid(launchURL) tTime = _finishTime - _startTime msg("TOTAL RAID TIME: " + str(tTime.seconds) + " seconds.\n") keepChecking = 0 def restart_program(): """Restarts the current program. Note: this function does not return. Any cleanup action (like saving data) must be done before calling this function.""" python = sys.executable os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)
if name == "main": answer = raw_input("Do you want to restart this program ? ") if answer.strip() in "y Y yes Yes YES".split(): restart_program() why does it say its logged in but actually logged into the site am i being blocked or something?