In my main flask I call a routine that starts a thread:
trackingUpdateThread = threading.Thread(target=localLiveTrackingUpdater, args=(trackingType, "RemoteTransmuter", None))
trackingUpdateThread.daemon = True
The thread code is this:
def localLiveTrackingUpdater(trackingType, streamName, usePort):
print(f'STARTUP: state={state} now={now/1000.0} trackingType={trackingType} {trackingType == TRANSMUTER}')
if trackingType == TRANSMUTER:
print('Launching TRANSMUTER...')
toProcess = []
ikeyToFlush = []
iKey = ""
NPIndex = None
seqCounter = 0
dataArrivedAt = None
while True:
print(f'TRANSMUTER tick...')
I never see the last print (TRANSMUTER tick...) in any logs. I see all the rest.
What I need is to run this thread once a second to look at data that's been pushed to the site.
I have a paid account - so I assume I have enough threads. I don't see any other restrictions on time.sleep().
The rest of the site works fine.
Need help...