
Warning: No virtualenv detected at this path. Do you need to create it?

I create it using you're tutorial and still not found by pythonanywhere.. I tried deleting recreating venv, other venv commands creations.

you are welcome to check my files if needed.

nevermind i forgot the end "/", please allow as virutal env to put it without the end / made me lose so much time

Step 3: Configure your app to use this virtualenv Now that you have a virtualenv, and know its path, configure your app to use this virtualenv.

Go to the Web tab, and in the Virtualenv section, enter the path: /home/myusername/.virtualenvs/myvirtualenv

TIP: if you're using virtualenvwrapper, you can just enter the name of the virtualenv, myvirtualenv, and the system will automatically guess the rest of the path (/home/myusername/.virtualenvs etc) after you hit ok. Now, Reload your web app, and you should find it has access to all the packages in your virtualenv, instead of the system ones.

in you're tutorial it's without end slash...

It works without that trailing slash.