
Issue with multiple instances

Hi there, I'm getting an issue with multiple instances of my discord bot. Currently, I have switched off the "Always-on task" but I'm still getting 4 instances of my bot being spat out into discord when a command is run, one of which using older code which has since been saved over.

When I check the "Running Tasks" window I can't see anything else running. Why is this happening? Is there a way I can check/stop the instances in bash? I have also closed all the bash/python windows that I had access to.

Kind regards, George

There are 2 different task lists. One on the Consoles page and one on the Tasks page. Make sure that you've checked both.

I have checked them both but I still seem to be getting multiple instances. Probably about 4 or 5 currently.

There are no processes owned by you on any of our task or console servers. I don't know where the processes that you are talking about are running, but I don't think they're on PythonAnywhere.

Thanks a lot for helping me rule this out. It turns out the instances were being cached by discord. A change in some API creds has cleared them out.

Thanks a lot for your help. Happy to close this.

Glad to hear that!