I noticed that all of my tasks seem to not have started today, but the log file is completely empty. The ".1" log file only includes the task from yesterday. So is there some issue with the tasks currently?
I noticed that all of my tasks seem to not have started today, but the log file is completely empty. The ".1" log file only includes the task from yesterday. So is there some issue with the tasks currently?
We had an issue with one of our task servers which should be fixed now.
Thanks. One more question, do you think it would be possible to implement some kind of warning for the future? It would be great, if I could get a mail or something similar in such cases. Personally, I don't mind if this happens occasionally, as I also could run the scripts locally if necessary. However, it is extremely important for me that the scripts run somewhere every single day. And unfortunately I don't have time to constantly check whether they are running, and I don't think it's possible for me to solve this myself. The only possibility I can think of would be to use another scheduled task that checks whether the others are running. But if the entire server is down, this won't help me either.
Thanks for the suggestion.
My tasks were also broken for a couple days (on 31-Jan and 1-Feb): I see really awkward error messages in logs, which simply can't be true: they imply that functions in two libraries were called before the main program was even initialized. I spent a couple days trying to figure out what's wrong (the same tasks run perfectly from a console). I am hoping the issue you fixed will also fix my issues, but I won't know until tomorrow (my tasks run past my midnight, so, I'll have to wait). How can I check whether failures in my tasks are related to the server issues?
It does not look like it's related. Maybe add some logging to your code to see more details about what's going on there.