
404's on my Domains, nameservers are pointed correctly

Hey, joined PythonAnywhere to run a simple python flask on 4 domains I own. Ive got 3 listed on PA but they are 404'ing. They're,, and Thanks for any help!

It looks like those domains are not pointing to PythonAnywhere -- see this help page for more details on setting up a custom domain on PA.

But they are. I changed the Cname to what was listed on my Web tabs yesterday.

It now looks more like a problem with your web app code or configuration in wsgi file.

Im getting the same error on which has no web app uploaded or changes to the wsgi file

Right now appears to be pointing at some other hosting provider, as is and are pointed at our servers, and are showing a "Something went wrong" error, which points to an exception being raised in your code -- check out the websites' error logs to see what the problem is. There is a link to the error log on the "Web" page, and the most recent error message will be at the bottom of the file.

Thanks Giles, I've fixed the hosting errors. But I don't understand what the code issue is. First it was saying it couldn't find my .py file even though the path in wsgi was correct. Then I changed the wsgi to try to better find the app and now i get a 500 and it says index.html cant be found? Is there any way I can get some help with this?

Fixed! Thanks for the help!!!

Glad you were able to fix it!