
Appium on Pythonanywhere?

Does anyone have any experiernce using python-appium-client on Python Anywhere? I am trying to be able to run an APK from PythonAnywhere, eventually to integrate it into a Django web app (to make an API sort-of-thing).


I don't think any of us on the team have run it, but perhaps someone else here might have done? I don't see any obvious reason for it not to work, so long as you choose a version that matches our pre-installed version of Selenium and have a paid account.

Right that's the aspect I am trying to figure out, because I would have to have a headless AVD (Android Virtual Device) running from PythonAnywhere, and then also run Selenium headlessly. So I was hoping that someone had experience with this, even though it would be pretty niche...

You may try to ask on tool-specific forums.