
Cloudflare site says coming soon.

I'm using cloudflare as my domain site and pythonanywhere for hosting. My site (pythonanywhere) is which works and my cloudrflare site is but it says coming soon. This is my cname record


Name (required) Use @ for root Target (required) E.g. Proxy status

Web app name has to match domain name. See

I do not want to pay an extra 5$ to connect my app to my domain. And, when I tried to pay, it got declined because y'all don't accept prepaid cards but cloud flare does. Help me with this without me needing to pay.

Using custom domains is a paid feature on PythonAnywhere, so the only way is to upgrade the account...

Then fix it so I can use prepaid cards on the site so I can pay.

We do not allow pre-paid cards because they will run out of funds and then payments will fail.

Then how do I add my domain to the site??? I have 25$ on the card and I can go and buy another card when I run out. I have 100$ to spend on new cards if you want me to. Please

You can pay for a year up-front with a pre-paid card. Contact if you'd like to do that.

Ok. I just sent an enmail

Great, we'll be in touch.