

Hey, I'm having issues sending requests to my server - get requests work fine until I send a first post request, after which no response is being returned.

Is it possible it's an issue with pythonanywhere itself? Moments ago it worked fine, and I made no changes to my flask app.

Did this issue persist? If so, could you provide a bit more detail?

Yes, the issue persist. Yesterday the issue showed up out of nowhere and haven't gone since - I made no changes to the server, but basically it works fine if I restart it until I send a post request, which causes it to get stuck again.

I will try to debug the script today, in case I missed something on my end

Edit: Issue seems to be on my end after all - it seems like there was a deadlock issue I didn't notice there.

Anyways, thanks!

Glad to hear that you were able to catch it.