
Problems relating to Uploading big files from Web app

I think I have a problem. I tried to upload small files like 2 mb from the websites. It worked fine. But it just didn't work out when it came to 80mb (still under the 100mb threshold). It seems strange. I want to know if there is a way to solve it or any suggestions.

What errors (if any) did you get when you tried to upload the 80MiB file?

There is no error. I tried to upload it. And it updated for seconds. Then nothing happened. I added logging to my code. And when it comes to 80MiB files, the function can't be triggered properly. The most confusing part is no error.

That is strange. So what happens on the web page where you try to do the upload -- do you get an empty page, or something else? If you're using JavaScript to do it, is there anything in the browser's developer tools console?

Recently, I tried to clone it locally to test the same things. After I wrote

server.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 500 * 1024 * 1024

Then it worked for 80Mb. But after I tried uploading some files like 180Mb, it could work locally. But it couldn't work on Python Anywhere, and I couldn't see anything from the logs. Chatgpt told me the platform kills the taste silently.

100 is a limit.

is there a way to increase the 100MiB limit? Or I just should use third-party apps like AWS S3 to store the files.

If there's some way you can split the uploads into chunks that are less than 100MiB, then that could be a solution -- otherwise, yes, S3 might be a good option.