
A web app using this domain already exists -- We don't think we have another paid account here

We used this domain on and it worked--why is it not working on here? We see this error "A web app using this domain already exists"-- its impossible because no other paid account uses this domain on Is there a way to check? Please help.


We contacted GoDaddy to see if the domain is pointing to another CNAME and it is not--meaning its not currently pointing to any CNAME--how can we resolve this?

Can anything be done on your end? Can you see if the domain name is link to another account on your end?

What is the domain name? You can email us at not to share it on public forums.

I emailed you. Thanks

Did you email us from your registered email? (Just making sure we got your message -- you can ignore this reply if we already contacted you via email...)

I sent a new email now from the registered email. Thank you

Thanks! We'll reply over email.

Thank you



Take all the time you need--we're not in a rush.

It's good when we have clear mutual understanding what the channel of communication is.

So far only communication


Are you seeing my emails or not???????????"

We have responded