
One of my always-on tasks is stuck on "Preparing to start" and cannot be terminated.

Like the subject says, I have an always-on task that seems to be stuck in a kind of limbo.

If I could terminate (or even just restart) the task, that would be fine... but all of the options are greyed out, and the task has been in the "preparing to start" stage for quite some time now.

I've read in other forum posts that similar things just happen sometimes – especially after maintenance – but it would be really great if I had some avenue for fixing it.

Its not just you.

Same problem

yeah its everyone i assume. There was a system upgrade that they posted on Twitter, i'm sure it will all be resolved soon as they only expected 25 minutes of downtime for the upgrade (was 2 hours ago)

Hi all, always on tasks are slowly catching up after the system wide upgrade. Unfortunately atm it takes the system some time to get everyones always on tasks back up and running

Thanks for the update, sboyd.

For future reference, is there any method of manually terminating a task that's stuck in the "preparing to start" stage?

No. "Preparing to start" is an intermediate state so it can only leave it when the system has reached a stable point.