
Install Chrome in PythonAnywhere

Hi. I am using seleniumbase and not selenium, which requires normal Chrome browser and not Chromium.

So I want to install this Chrome browser in my pythonanywhere account -

How do I do that?


We don't provide support for installing system wide packages -- you can try compiling it from source locally on your account, but it's possible it will not be possible on a free account. Also, it's worth mentioning that free accounts have restricted internet access, so it's most probably you will not be able to scrape.

Okay, thanks. I will get the pro version but can you share some documentation on how to source it locally? Do you mean using dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb command in bash console?

I tried doing that using pro version but it says dpkg needs superuser privilege.

" dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb" would be installing a pre compiled version of chrome. What pafk was suggesting is compiling google chrome form the source code. I'm not totally sure that you'll be able to do this on PythonAnywhere. Even if you could it'd take a long time, I think it'd take 30mins to 1hour on a maxxed out Macbook Pro