
Security of a seed phrase for a crypto wallet

Hello everyone,

I am kind of new to this topic, I just have some basic python knowledge, but I was thinking to use pythonanywhere to build some simple scripts on blockchain to execute certain taks, but I am worried about including my seed phrase in the documents since I could get wipe out if the user data gets leaked... so I have a couple of questions: 1) How safe is to use my seed phrase here? 2) Is there a way to encrypt the data, not sure if on the files themselves or through an algortihm to mask the string so I don't have to put my real seed phrase direclty, I am afraid anyone who gets all the information from the pythonanywhere servers could easily find my pass and take my funds

Any recommendations on safety measures or better just not using pythonanywhere and get something more sophisticated? (like a full cloud service?)

Thank you!

We have a help page on our security measures and the things that you need to do to keep your account safe: