
Please whitelist (public API link provided)

Hey! I will say right away that I use a translator and write to you through it. I have a problem with API-aternos. (python aternos)

The error itself:

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /go/ (Caused by ProxyError('Cann ot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

Please whitelist python-aternos!

Here is api-athernos:

The essence of this API for me is to launch the minecraft server through a telegram bot, which is very convenient. I would be very grateful if you add to the white list. All the best!

@Greflexbot Hi, Thank you for your message. Can you please send us a direct link to the documentation which states the requested endpoint? Can you please also send us a link to the official website. Please note we can only whitelist sites with an official public API. - documentation

I don't quite understand what an endpoint is..

Perhaps this is the official site or endpoint for you?

I'm still waiting for an answer

@Greflexbot you got the answer on Jan. 23, 2023, 11:30 a.m. , from @hmalik, it's above.

@pafk I don't understand what an endpoint is. Maybe there are some examples? aternos-API: Documentation: Official site:

chsmbot and greflexbot are both my accounts.

There has to be something linking official site with the docs.